Implants are the most predictable long-term solution to missing teeth. This is true whether you are missing one, two or have no teeth left. Tooth implants fuse with the bone under your gums to form a strong and reliable foundation onto which we can build natural-looking crowns, bridges or dentures as a replacement tooth/teeth.
Tooth implants are often the closest thing to natural teeth. Removable dentures/false teeth can often be problematic for the remaining teeth and gums, even though they initially cost less.
Implants tend to support the bone at the implant site - this is particularly useful when replacing a single tooth as it keeps the natural contour of the gum line. Successful implants can be made to look and feel like natural teeth, assuming you take care of them and maintain your oral health.
By using the most modern dental equipment and techniques it is possible to have relatively minimally invasive implant surgery.
Click here to contact us for more information.

Care Dental Implant Clinic
As a practice we work in partnership with Care Dental Implant Clinic to provide your implant dentistry.
The clinic, under the clinical leadership of Dr Bruce Strickland, was awarded ‘Best Implant Clinic in the UK, 2011.
Dr Strickland has been working in implant dentistry for the last 15 years and successfully places around 400 implants per year working alongside his lab technician in his referral practice in Crieff.
To add a further qualification to his experience, he completed a two year diploma with the Royal College of Surgeons, England in 2008, with an Advanced Certificate in bone grafting.
He attributes the 99% success rate of his clinical work to ensuring the highest standards of treatment protocols are carried out both surgically and in the planning stage.
He is a lecturer and member of the International Team of Implantologists. His work also involves mentoring other dental professionals in the field of implant dentistry.
Patient presented wanting to stabilise mouth and improve appearance, felt he had a few chipped teeth and wanted to protect them against breaking further. Patient went through bleaching/tooth whitening, composite bonding on lower front teeth, crowned upper front teeth, and an implant bridge upper right side to close his gap.




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